Monday, July 21, 2008

Making my home a sanctuary

This summer my church small group is reading John Piper's book Don't Waste Your Life. This book has challenged me spiritually, as it is so easy to become lazy or indifferent in our lives rather than to seek to bring God more glory in everything that we do. It is so easy to spend our time on temporal amusements instead of creating something that brings lasting joy.

One of the discussion questions asked us to think of three goals that we would like to accomplish with our lives. After some careful thought, one of the goals that I listed was to create a home that would be a sanctuary. The first thing that many people think of when they hear the word "sanctuary" is a place of refuge and peace. Certainly, I want my family to think of their home as a place of peace and refuge from all of the pressures of the world. I want our home to be a place that my husband can't wait to come home to and that my children always speak fondly of when they are grown.

The original meaning of the word "sanctuary," though, gets closer to what I most truly desire. The English word was derived from the Latin sanctus, or "holy". It is often used in reference to a place of formal worship. I believe that this is a misdirected distinction, for after Christ there are no holy places where we are commanded to worship. Life is worship, and those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Christ strive to do everything to the glory of God. Thus, what place is holier than our homes, the center of our family lives and ministries? I pray that every day as I go about living, working, and worshipping in my home I will do all of those activities in the best, most God-glorifying way.

The reality today? I do not feel at peace or refuge the majority of the time in my home. I do not take seriously enough my calling as a wife, mother, and homemaker, and I often choose to pursue leisure over work. However, my current failings are no excuse to not pick up where I am and do something. Perfection does not exist this side of eternity, but through the Lord I can make progress. I hope to write this blog as a diary of my progress towards this goal that I have for my life. Perhaps it can be encouraging or inspiring to some people, and hopefully others will also encourage me along the way. Whatever we do, to God alone be all glory!

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